Boost Your Productivity with Kyugo: The Ultimate Personal Time-Assistant App

This App take control of your day with ease

Kyugo | Your personal time-assistant.
Kyugo | Your personal time-assistant.

Kyugo is designed to protect your work-life balance by automatically managing your schedule, encompassing work, meetings, and leisure time. Despite the lack of innovation in calendar functionality for over three decades, this app breaks the mold. While spreadsheet-like interfaces may suffice for scheduling a meeting, they fall short when it comes to planning your life and safeguarding your precious time to ensure a genuine work-life balance.

We found ourselves grappling with a problem – excessive work, meetings disrupting our focused work time, and a lack of time for our families and ourselves. The constant cognitive overload of deciding when to do what, when to schedule the next meeting, and when to carve out time for a project was overwhelming. This is where Kyugo steps in, offering a solution to make your life work seamlessly.

Kyugo – Your personal time-assistant

With this app, you have the freedom to prioritize and organize your tasks based on your own values and goals. Whether it’s spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing personal hobbies, or focusing on career development, this app allows you to create a schedule that aligns with your individual priorities. Say goodbye to the overwhelming cognitive load and embrace a more intentional and fulfilling approach to managing your time.


  • New Calendar UI/UX with more ease and
  • Thumb friendly navigation
  • Mobile first
  • Delegate meeting creation
  • Day-cycle tips – Coming soon
  • Custom layers – Coming soon

Boost Your Productivity with Kyugo: The Ultimate Personal Time-Assistant App